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Definition of HOD



  • Hype, Optimism and Dream. Antonym of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt).

    Example: The Tesla bulls started spreading HOD to push the share price higher and higher during its bubble days.

    Last edited on Sep 24 2014. Submitted by MMD on Sep 24 2014.

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Definitions include: The definition of a terrible boxer who will not amount to anything in his career and could be seen as a journeyman at best.
Definitions include: a bunch of bull shit.
Definitions include: to claim the (front) seat next to the driver in an automobile.
Definitions include: flossin in a car or truck that's "turned out" dressed up real good.
Definitions include: "cunt".
Definitions include: misspelling of awesome.
Definitions include: imitation of the vocal sound made by a person with severe developmental disabilities.
Definitions include: "thanks."
Definitions include: confused, or under the influence of marijuana.
Definitions include: Being above and beyond normal.

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