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Definition of honestist



  • A person who believes in honesty as the highest moral virtue

    Last edited on Oct 03 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 03 2024.

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Definitions include: an exact copy.
Definitions include: A term cowboys when there riding a bull, can also be used when you achieve something.
Definitions include: Freddieism is the religon that worships Freddie Mercury, and believes that Freddie Mercury is god. Most freddieists make shrines to our lord and saviour, Freddie Mercury in honour of him. Shrines are also where offerings and prayer take place. Offerings can be as little as a Percy Pig to as much as Nike Airforces. All freddieists pray by kneeling with their eyes closed in front of their shrine while listening to any respectable Queen song. All prayers must be ended with "Mama! Oooooh! Didn't mean to make you cry! And if I don't come back this time tomorrow, carry on, carry on!" or it is considered an offence to Freddie. Anyone can join Freddieism, and initiation is easy. You simply have to create your first shrine with pictures of Freddie Mercury and make an offering to him. Freddieists closely follow the punk ideology, and respect all LGBTQIA+ & trans rights. Instead of using phrases like "oh my god!", they use phrases like "oh, Freddie!". Freddieism is a vastly growing religion, and was founded in a public bathroom in England, where most great stories start. Don't be shy, join Freddieism today!
Definitions include: something extremely disorganized.
Definitions include: an inbred person.
Definitions include: a warning.
Definitions include: cold climate formal of [he]]
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Definitions include: sex with a woman who doesn't respond.
Definitions include: extrenely drunk.

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[ honestist]

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