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Definition of kinderwhore



  • a young woman - often a female below the age of consent - who generally dresses in a seductive or suggestive fashion, particularly in styles based on the schoolgirl image.

    Last edited on Sep 20 2013. Submitted by Schade from Atlanta, GA, USA on Oct 01 2005.

  • the fashion style of such young women.

    Last edited on Oct 01 2005. Submitted by Schade from Atlanta, GA, USA on Oct 01 2005.

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Definitions include: "what".
Definitions include: something that's hella fresh, dope or awesome. Something or someone you love. A compliment or high form of praise, gratitude and/or respect.
Definitions include: nothing.
Definitions include: literally: a person who performs cunnilingus.
Definitions include: poor quality.
Definitions include: Used to describe a multilayered or multidimensional personality. The chocolate (of the same name) has many different layers each distinctly different from one another similarly this person will have more than what initially meets the eye. Keep digging and you'll find something new and amazing everytime. Might have a pompous persona (shiny wrapping)
Definitions include: to give up or to show weakness.
Definitions include: to be extremely talented at something.
Definitions include: a slap on the wrist.
Definitions include: to help a person in a small way.

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