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Definition of kip



  • a short nap.
    An afternoon kip.
    Have a kip.

    Citation from "The Dad Club", Man Down (TV), Season 4 Episode 3 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to sleep.

    Last edited on Jun 18 2018. Submitted by Matthew R. from Blackpool, United Kingdom on May 31 2004.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to sleep':

Definitions include: to sleep.
Definitions include: having fallen asleep quickly.
Definitions include: to sleep.
Definitions include: to fall asleep.
Definitions include: asleep or unconscious.
Definitions include: sleep.
Definitions include: to be asleep, often (but not always) in a place other than one's own bed.
Definitions include: sleep.
Definitions include: to take a nap.
Definitions include: to fall asleep.
Definitions include: to fall asleep due to drugs, especially opiates (such as heroin.)
Definitions include: to sleep.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated.
Definitions include: to fall asleep unintentionally.
Definitions include: to go home and/or go to bed.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to use two condoms at one time during sex.
Definitions include: sex or sexual play.
Definitions include: To inquire about a drug purchase with a dealer. From the movie "Half Baked", relating to the drug king pin Sampson.
Definitions include: getting drunk
Definitions include: a close friend; "cuz"; "homie".
Definitions include: misspelling of uppity.
Definitions include: to prepare and put into long-term storage.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of ginger.
Definitions include: acronym for "I don't even know".
Definitions include: penis.

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