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Definition of launder

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Definitions include: a constructive rant. Rather than ranting about everything that is wrong in the world, tole-ranters speak from the heart about social problems and point to potential solutions.
Definitions include: the experience of some unpleasantness that one gives to others.
Definitions include: Takable; capable of taking; captivating; or charming; designed to attract notice and please; taking; attractive.
Definitions include: to hide.
Definitions include: a person who is like everyone else, with no quirks, flair, or technical skill.
Definitions include: to mistreat.
Definitions include: a party for a male who is soon going to wed; "bachelor party".
Definitions include: Slang for getting high or drunk. I'm getting of the shits tonight.
Definitions include: object feminine singular form of that
Definitions include: to give false hopes to, especially in a romantic or business sense.

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Average of 7 votes: 19%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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