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Definition of lekker



  • great, awesome, good, nice, basically anything to express positivity. Origin: South Africa.

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Dejan on Jul 16 2004.

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Definitions include: adjective form of fall off the wagon.
Definitions include: misspelling of "ream".
Definitions include: to engage in a mindless activity, especially watching television.
Definitions include: an argument where someone answers a question too fast therefore causing the responder to not know that someone's answer to the question, so if the responder asks to repeat or for the answer again, the answerer avoids by either changing their physical location or by reducing their own availability for someone to talk to them or by changing who they are talking to or interrupts the responder by asking a statement or question usually related to the argument by themself
Definitions include: significant other.
Definitions include: to tape something very firmly.
Definitions include: "There are many people (including myself) who share that situation."
Definitions include: Information, latest news or gossip.
Definitions include: The means or ability, also used in saying cash orcurrency. Compare with loot, or moolah.
Definitions include: to be menstruating.

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