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Definition of limey




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Other terms relating to 'British, UK slang (list of)':

Definitions include: a cigarette.
Definitions include: in the UK, the equivalent of the American bust a nut.
Definitions include: used to state a negative response to a question which is stronger than "no."
Definitions include: to take a look.
Definitions include: upset, disappointed.
Definitions include: a male homosexual's sexual partner.
Definitions include: an asshole.
Definitions include: "Bollocks" is also the present tense and plural form of bollock.
Definitions include: a person who is ostentatiously religious, evangelical, proselytising.
Definitions include: acronym for "circling the drain" (i.e. about to die,) used on medical charts by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: disparaging nickname for rheumatology, used by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: buttocks.
Definitions include: a member of the federal government.
Definitions include: to purposefully not attend school with no formal reason.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: cowardly, "wussy", lacking in manly fortitude or lasting power.
Definitions include: "critique".
Definitions include: a short proposal that can be delivered within the duration of an elevator ride.
Definitions include: A naked selfie
Definitions include: Someone who has nothing to add, or has very little ability; performs no useful function or has no purpose.
Definitions include: someone lacking in intellectual capacity, moron, idiot, jackass
Definitions include: acronym for "as far as I can see".
Definitions include: to kiss with an open mouth, usually placing one's tongue in the other person's mouth.
Definitions include: To become angry, pissed off, enraged.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool".

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Average of 7 votes: 39%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">limey</a>

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[ limey]

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