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Definition of Linguistical English

Linguistical English


  • a variant of english developed in order to better incorporate elements of linguistics into common speech for the purpose of convenience.
    Subsuffix English is a variant of this variant, some of the subsuffixes it uses are listed below: === Verbs ===

    '''-s''' third person singular simple present indicative active '''-ed''' past tense '''-en''' past participle '''-t''' past tense (weak irregular) '''-ing''' present participle and gerund '''-een''' past participle (irregular)
    Continuation of last example: === Nouns ===

    '''-s''' plural number '''-aen''' plural number (irregular)

    === Adjectives and adverbs ===

    '''-ar''' [[Comparative syntax in English|comparative] degree '''-ast''' superlative degree

    == Derivation == [[Derivation (linguistics)|Deriva suffixes can be divided into two categories: class-changing derivation and class-maintaining derivation.<ref>Jack and Amvela (2000): ''Word, Meaning and Vocabulary; An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology''. London, Athenaeum Press, p. 88</ref> In English, they include '''[[wikt:-able|-abl (usually changes verbs into adjectives) v.adj -able v.adj.c.soft -cible v.adj.g.soft -gible v.adj.instrumental -ible.
    Continuation 2 of example 1: '''-al' /'''-ual (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj [[-al n.adj.latinate -eal n.adj.latinate.ali -ual '''[[wikt:-ant|-ant] (usually changes verbs into nouns, often referring to a human agent) v.n.agent.human '''[[wikt:-ess|-ess] (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.fem [-ess] '''[[wikt:-ful|-ful] (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.whole/nonparti (all of noun fits with the adjective) n.adj.whole -fol n.adj.nonpartial -fial '''-fy' (usually changes nouns into verbs) n.v.nonpartial -fy '''[[wikt:-hood|-hoo (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.condition -cond -houd.
    Continuation 3 of example 1:

    '''[[Wikt:-ise|-ise] (usually changes nouns into verbs) ise: n.v.quality -isqe ise: n.v.function -isfe ize: n.v.similative -izse '''[[wikt:-ish|-ish] (usually changes nouns into adjectives/class-mai with the word class remaining an adjective) n.a.typical-of -isht n.a.similar-to -ishs n.a.being-like -ishb '''[[wikt:-ism|-ism] (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.ise.action -aism n.ise.process -ismp n.ise.result -ismr n.ise.result.doctrin -ismrd n.ise.result.ideolog -ismri -ismrp -ismsc -ismt -ismsy -ismth -ismte -ismta -ismtb -ismtc -ismto -ismtsta n.ise.countable -ismc n.ise.countable.pecu -ismcp n.ise.countable.char -ismcc n.ise.ideology -ismi n.ise.ideology.belie -ismsu n.ise.condition -ismc n.ise.condition.synd -ismcsyn n.ise.condition.dise -ismdi n.ise.condition.diso -ismd n.ise.condition.defe -ismde n.ise.condition.addi -ismad n.ise.method -ismme n.ise.doctrine -ismdc n.ize.action -aizm n.ize.process -izmp n.ize.result -izmr.
    Continuation 4 of example 1:

    '''[[wikt:-ist|-ist] (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) subsuffixes adjacent to -ism. '''[[wikt:-ity|-ity] (usually changes adjectives into nouns) adj.n.latinate '''[[wikt:-less|-les (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.lacking -leas '''[[wikt:-like|-lik (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.resembling '''[[wikt:-logy|-log (usually class-maintaining, with the word class remaining a noun) n.adj.branch -logb n.adj.speech -losp n.adj.narrative -logn n.adj.discourse.lega -lodl '''-ly' (usually changes adjectives into adverbs, but also some nouns into adjectives) adj.adv '''[[wikt:-ment|-men (usually changes verbs into nouns) v.n. '''[[wikt:-ness|-nes (usually changes adjectives into nouns) adj.n.native adj.n.resembling '''[[wikt:-oid|-oid] (usually changes nouns into adjectives) n.adj.resembling.
    Continuation 5 of example 1:

    v.n.action.v -tion v.n.process -ion v.n.statius -sion v.n.state -stion v.n.condition -cion v.n.quality -ation v.n.state or quality -isation '''-um' (usually) museum; stadium; auditorium; aquarium; planetarium; medium obj. -um -eum n.ucn.element -ium '''[[wikt:-wise|-wis From wse ("manner, way, condition, direction") adv.manner -mwise adv.way -wayse adv.condition -cwise adv.direction -dwise.

    Last edited on Dec 08 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 13 2024.

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