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Definition of Lsupport
- Logistic support
Last edited on Dec 20 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20 2024.
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Definitions include: A cooler way to say "happenin')". | |
Definitions include: to drive real fast, non-stop, cross-country. | |
Definitions include: the ear-thumping wind produced when the rear windows of a car are lowered | |
Definitions include: See handjob. | |
Definitions include: acronym for 'Oriental Female', 'Orientalid Female' or 'Orientaloid Female', this denotes a Brunette female from the Orient (including the Greater Middle East, Far East and Slavic East). In contrast to the NF or Blonde Nordic Female from the Nordic West and the BF or Black Female from the Dravidian Peninsula and Sub-Saharan Africa. | |
Definitions include: a misspelling of "inflammatory" or "flamatory". | |
Definitions include: interjection conveying puzzlement. | |
Definitions include: to use the peace sign, saying goodbye. | |
Definitions include: a woman who uses men for selfish pleasure. | |
Definitions include: leaving. |
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[http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/lsupport Lsupport]
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