Definition of malarky
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'nonsense, lies ':
Definitions include: Most uses of "shit" also work with "crap ", except where noted below.
Definitions include: something worthless, hopeless, useless, etc.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of bologna , i.e. nonsense.
Definitions include: "full of shit ", "full of crap ", or the like.
Definitions include: nonsense; something absurd.
Definitions include: to anger.
Definitions include: nonsense.
Definitions include: nonsense.
Definitions include: nonsense.
Definitions include: a metaphorical disease where one speaks at length about something one knows nothing about.
Definitions include: nonsense.
Definitions include: "Bollocks" is also the present tense and plural form of bollock .
Definitions include: a person's story: what they would have you believe.
Definitions include: See bullshit .
Definitions include: nonsense.
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
Definitions include: a very bad mood because a person can't get a cigarette to fulfill their need for nicotine.
Definitions include: a cigarette.
Definitions include: a large breast on a male.
Definitions include: to cough up a phlegm wad.
Definitions include: Coffin, casket
Definitions include: to hit someone (usually in the face).
Definitions include: An early 1970's casual shoe mostly warn by California Crips and Cholos before they changed the name to zig zag winos they were known as [Croaker Saccz.] A shoe not made for running but bellin' and strollin' Example: Zig Zaggs, Winos,and Crip Shoes. Wow it's been over 40 yrs since I seen a new pair of Blue [Croaker Saccz],.Cuzco that's what I like.
Definitions include: acronym for "so far so good".
Definitions include: the sexual position in which a man lies down and his sexual partner rides on top, facing towards the man's feet.
Definitions include: an older gay male who prefers young gay men as sexual partners.
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7% (See the most vulgar words .)
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