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Definition of messy


  • with a tendency to become extremely inebriated and/or to get sick from over imbibing drugs or alcohol.
    You have to be careful going out with him, he can get kind of messy.
    The bouncer has no patience - he just tosses messy people out of the place.
    All you girls be messy.
    She messy acting like she didn't know she was talking to the wife to make her think he had another girl.

    Last edited on Nov 09 2016. Submitted by David R. from West Hollywood, CA, USA on Jul 19 2005.

  • Messy- a female who tries to come between a relationship

    She was messy when she pretended not to know she was talking to the wife on the phone to make it seem like he had another girl

    Last edited on Nov 09 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 09 2016.


  • really fucked up in the head.
    Yea, she's really messy, goddamnit.
    Mark is messy.

    Last edited on Mar 29 2014. Submitted by trendyskaman from Minneapolis, MN, USA on Feb 13 2003.

  • to talk about private things in public. to not have tact. to gossip.

    ex. You like someone but you know they have a significant other. It would be "messy" to publicly tell this person that information.

    Used in a sentence: You so messy. That was messy.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on May 11 2011.

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Definitions include: inhibited.
Definitions include: a small patch of facial hair under the lower lip; "mouche".
Definitions include: a gun, esp. a pistol.
Definitions include: "supposed to".
Definitions include: scared, afraid.
Definitions include: "full of shit", "full of crap", or the like.
Definitions include: to fix, correct, or rectify.
Definitions include: Comment said after someone else says something that is cool.
Definitions include: A penis
Definitions include: acronym for "crossing the line", that is: inappropriate (offensive or insensitive in nature, overstepping social norms.)

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