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Definition of myrt



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Definitions include: prepare to die.
Definitions include: alternate spelling and pronunciation of "oh my god".
Definitions include: Fartmancy is a school of magic and a type of elemental magic. It is characterized by the ability to control, manipulate or summon methane gase or other noxious gases. Fatmancy can also be imbued and channeled through weapons, such as the Fart Gun used by Dr. Nefario. Fartmancy is the only type of elemental magic that creates gaseous objects.
Definitions include: a prostitute, or one who sells or barters sexual services.
Definitions include: to engage in coitus with a male.
Definitions include: A person who does not go through with an origin plan, and backs out.
Definitions include: to look attractive.
Definitions include: a cold-blooded or frigid woman.
Definitions include: a person who was once famous or successful, but is no longer.
Definitions include: an attractive woman.

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[ myrt]

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