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Definition of nj



  • Means no joke
    I'm NJ he really asked me out.

    Last edited on Apr 18 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 18 2015.

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Definitions include: to hit.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool"; "awesome".
Definitions include: an alcoholic drink that is a shot of Smirnoff Ice dropped into a glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.
Definitions include: From Helen of Troy, described by Christopher Marlowe as having "the face that launched a thousand ships."
Definitions include: a disliked person; "loser"; "dirtbag".
Definitions include: to have diarrhea.
Definitions include: a cake or round loaf, especially a masculine-looking one and especially said by a female
Definitions include: short for 'wellington boots' another name for gumboot. Used in New Zealand, Britain and Ireland.
Definitions include: a nice person.
Definitions include: A slang way of saying, to start all over or back to yhe basics. Compare to: Beginning, The Start or The Bottom. She kept hanging with thots and ended up losing her relationship, job, car and apt. Now she's back at Square 1.

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