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Definition of offensive coordinator

offensive coordinator

  • a friend who puts in a good word with any prospective "significant other" of the opposite sex.
    I'm with her now, thanks to Terry, my offensive coordinator.

    Last edited on Jun 15 2013. Submitted by Brian T. from Washington, DC, USA on Nov 07 2002.

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Other terms relating to 'friend, friends':

Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: "sister".
Definitions include: acronym for "best friend forever" or "best friends forever".
Definitions include: acronym for "best friend(s) forever".
Definitions include: form of address for a friend.
Definitions include: form of address used between females and between gay men.
Definitions include: a friend or associate.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: a female friend.
Definitions include: a person who cock blocks.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: homie.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: in agreement with a plan to do something.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: beautiful.
Definitions include: to inform on.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of chippy.
Definitions include: disgusting and awful
Definitions include: morning hot cup of energy
Definitions include: to be leaving.
Definitions include: acronym for "love you".
Definitions include: Running but with maximum speed allmost beyond limits.
Definitions include: when French fries are in a container that is in a bag, those French fries that fall out of the container and settle at the bottom of the bag.
Definitions include: "dibs".

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[ offensive coordinator]

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