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Definition of passed gas

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Other terms relating to 'to flatulate, fart, pass gas':

Definitions include: a fart.
Definitions include: to attempt only flatulence, but to experience both an anal release of air and non-air (whether liquid or solid.)
Definitions include: to release air from the vagina; "fart vaginally".
Definitions include: to do something enthusiastically.
Definitions include: To fart or flatulate.
Definitions include: a fart
Definitions include: misspelling of queef.
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
Definitions include: to flatulate.
Definitions include: to flatulate; "break wind".
Definitions include: gossip, secret information.
Definitions include: to expel air from one's vagina.
Definitions include: instance of flatulence.
Definitions include: to fart.
Definitions include: particularly smelly flatulence.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'gas':

Definitions include: to perform an action quickly or efficiently.
Definitions include: when you do not care about something.
Definitions include: The theme of American freedom. Nobody rides free.
Definitions include: an inefficient automobile.
Definitions include: showing too much happiness.
Definitions include: nickname for an anaesthetist, used by doctors in the UK.
Definitions include: to lie or get filled with lies or fill one with lies
Definitions include: nitrous oxide.
Definitions include: "Now you're doing [some task] correctly."
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: statement of shock or alarm.

Other terms relating to 'pass':

Definitions include: to attempt to elicit romance or sex; "hit on".
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: to be asleep, often (but not always) in a place other than one's own bed.
Definitions include: to be adequate.
Definitions include: to fall asleep, often (but not always) in a place other than one's own bed.
Definitions include: to push responsibility onto someone else.
Definitions include: to turn responsibility over to.
Definitions include: To fart or flatulate.
Definitions include: to pass something graded (e.g. a test, a course) with excellent grades.
Definitions include: a weak throw.

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Average of 12 votes: 43%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">passed gas</a>

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[ passed gas]

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