Definition of pisshead
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of) ':
Definitions include: very common spelling of choad .
Definitions include: general insult.
Definitions include: shortened form of "douche bag ."
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: to destroy.
Definitions include: a derogatory term for females, implying promiscuity.
Definitions include: a derogatory term, used most often to describe males; "jerk ", "asshole ".
Definitions include: acronym for "bastard operator from hell".
Definitions include: amphetamine.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: a person who is stupid or doing something dumb.
Definitions include: the anus.
Definitions include: a bad person.
Definitions include: a general insult; "jerk "; "asshole ".
Definitions include: a male homosexual person.
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
Definitions include: exclusively the massive plural, used to differentiate between superplural and massive plural.
Definitions include: an angry or drugged outlook.
Definitions include: menstrual period.
Definitions include: use in place of "off the hook" meaning very good, excellent, cool, or tight.
Definitions include: To listen in on somebodies conversation without being invited. I.E.-You're on the bus talking with a friend and somebody you don't even know either tries to get into the conversation or is obviously listening.
Definitions include: a gay male who prefers young gay men.
Definitions include: girlfriend
Definitions include: nothing.
Definitions include: a hillbilly , hick .
Definitions include: The shorter version of my nigga or my ninja, but with the same meaning such as my Homey, my brother, my pal, my friend, Compared with my Road Dog. Location mostly used: Lynwood Ca 90262.
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71% (See the most vulgar words .)
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