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Definition of pookie



  • when a person, typically black, yells to another person "Poookie" in utter disbelief of what a white person is attempting to do"

    example: white man walks into a barbershop w/o an appointment and asks for a shave. Even though 5 workers are just standing around talking, the receptionist is in such disbelief he yells "Pookie!! Pookie!! Look at this nigga right here! Walking in w/o a reservation wanting a shave!!! Pookie!"

    Last edited on Aug 17 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 17 2016.


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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'boyfriend, girlfriend, boo, significant other':

Definitions include: acronym for "friends with benefits".
Definitions include: a person's girlfriend.
Definitions include: a younger romantic interest.
Definitions include: female significant other, such as a girlfriend or wife.
Definitions include: acronym for "long-distance relationship".
Definitions include: Long dick
Definitions include: South African pronunciation of "bro".
Definitions include: to be on the giving end of anal sex.
Definitions include: a male homosexual's sexual partner.
Definitions include: a female.
Definitions include: "Internet BF", i.e. "Internet Boyfriend".
Definitions include: affectionate form of address for a loved one, especially a romantic loved one.
Definitions include: acronym for "girlfriend".
Definitions include: affectionate form of address or reference for one's significant other.
Definitions include: to date.

Other terms relating to 'friend, friends':

Definitions include: a good or best friend.
Definitions include: form of address for a friend.
Definitions include: a young person or child.
Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: "mate", i.e. friend.
Definitions include: See also my boy.
Definitions include: spelling and pronunciation variant of partner.
Definitions include: Female friend who always needs/demands more attention than anyone else in the group.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: friend.
Definitions include: "extended" family, sometimes including close friends.
Definitions include: a best friend.
Definitions include: Good or close friend.
Definitions include: alternate pronunciation of bro.
Definitions include: homework.

Other terms relating to 'paraphernalia for other drugs':

Definitions include: male genitalia, especially the testicles.
Definitions include: a type of cocaine paraphernalia.
Definitions include: a needle used to inject drugs.
Definitions include: the clothes a person is wearing; "outfit".
Definitions include: Equipment for injecting drugs

Other terms relating to 'vulva ('vagina'), female genitalia':

Definitions include: vulva ("vagina").
Definitions include: a particularly large "camel toe".
Definitions include: form of address for a friend; "homie"; "dog."
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: wimp, sissy, coward.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: "vagina".
Definitions include: an attractive female.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: the vulva.
Definitions include: the female reproductive organ (AKA the vagina).
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: external female genitalia.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: vocal support
Definitions include: "fun".
Definitions include: a hoe that doesn't want to do anything besides suck dick and smoke.
Definitions include: to enter a competition.
Definitions include: to be part of a plan to deceive.
Definitions include: to ignore.
Definitions include: of poor quality, displeasing.
Definitions include: pimp.
Definitions include: A prostitute,bitch
Definitions include: intentional misspelling of guys.

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