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Definition of postbribe



  • a bribe paid after an undue favor or service has been rendered, especially such in a way to maintain a corrupt relationship or ensure future favors.

    Last edited on Jul 02 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 02 2024.

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Definitions include: a dog's erect penis.
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Definitions include: unimportant or not well-known.
Definitions include: general derogatory term.
Definitions include: contraction of "mobile out of office worker".
Definitions include: A highly-ignorant internet forum poster who tries to sound intellectual by using too many words. A common, garden-variety idiot hiding behind pseudo-intellectual terms. A vototater also accuses anyone he speaks to of using logical fallacies. A vototater also believes they are smarter than anyone they encounter and are never wrong about anything.
Definitions include: feminist variant of "thank god".

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