Definition of pricey
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'expensive, fancy, high quality ':
Definitions include: fancy.
Definitions include: fancy.
Definitions include: "bourgeois".
Definitions include: fancily dressed.
Definitions include: meaning fancy, stunning or anything that looks extraordinarily good.
Definitions include: expensive.
Definitions include: of extreme high quality, expensive to a point that it becomes unattainable.
Definitions include: upscale, elegant, luxurious.
Definitions include: refined; classy.
Definitions include: a person who drinks frequently.
Definitions include: expensive.
Definitions include: misspelling of bourgee .
Definitions include: any expensive, flashy, or shiny jewelry, usually gold or silver, esp. bracelets, chains, earrings.
Definitions include: upscale.
Definitions include: an effeminate guy.
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
Definitions include: "okay".
Definitions include: Mercedes Benz automobile. That's a nice Benzo bro.
Definitions include: To get swaggled by someone is a cross between being swindled and fanagled. " I was swaggled by my friends when they asked me if we wanted a kitty in front of my daughter".
Definitions include: smooth guy trying to score.
Definitions include: the cost.
Definitions include: to prepare for hardship.
Definitions include: to have an erection.
Definitions include: A male who is known for being adored by many females.
Definitions include: a un street wise person.
Definitions include: insane, eccentric, strange; "weird".
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10% (See the most vulgar words .)
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