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Definition of rebate



  • a term in skateboarding when you allow an additional turn to somebody in order that they may attempt their trick again. Usually said when skating a mini ramp where skateboarders take turns "dropping in".
    Oh man, you didn't land that trick. Rebate!

    Last edited on Sep 21 2004. Submitted by Austin c. from Isla Vista, California, USA on Sep 21 2004.

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Definitions include: A blend of "bullshit" + "business"
Definitions include: To be considered good by oneself and to be considered good by the law or authority.
Definitions include: Slow moving, vacant mind and eyes. All the lights are out and nobody is home. Asleep at the wheel. Compare to brain-dead or vacuous.
Definitions include: pertaining to unskilled or manual labor.
Definitions include: An annoying fool; idiot. (Used extensively on IRC).
Definitions include: A verbal or physical confrontation stemming from extreme philosophical or ideological differences.
Definitions include: to do something that carries risk, such as getting married or moving in together.
Definitions include: Slang for window.
Definitions include: something lame.
Definitions include: in disfavor, in trouble, avoiding a person as a temporary punishment

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