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Definition of rubberneck



  • someone who slows down on the highway to stare at an accident
    Come on man don't be a loser rubberneck who has to slow down at every site of a car crash.

    Last edited on Oct 29 2004. Submitted by David W. from Suffield, Connecticut, USA on Oct 29 2004.

  • derogatory name for a tourist, particularly a when going slowly and looking about at normal goings on around them

    Last edited on May 03 2005. Submitted by mark from Windsor, Windsor and Maidenhead, UK on May 03 2005.


  • looking at stuff when driving past - Particularly other motorists slowing down to look at a road accident.
    The traffic jam was caused by rubber-neckers slowing down for a gawk at the accident.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by mark from Windsor, Windsor and Maidenhead, UK on May 03 2005.

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Definitions include: "better be".
Definitions include: See down.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: underwear with no crotch, such that the genitals are exposed.
Definitions include: affirmation, making a statement, agreement.
Definitions include: intoxicated.
Definitions include: to accelerate, especially in an automobile.
Definitions include: Used when seeing or detecting the presence of a cop nearby.
Definitions include: less than.
Definitions include: censored variant of "shit".

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