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Definition of shalandzie



  • For one to refuse to accept the responsibilty or owner ship of there own wrong doing at all cost

    Last edited on Aug 02 2015. Submitted by m.ruthardt on Aug 02 2015.

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Definitions include: the absolute master over all female's desires.
Definitions include: Stuck-up girl.
Definitions include: alternative spelling of "outta" which is an alternative spelling of "out of".
Definitions include: a strange person.
Definitions include: an exclamation uttered before lifting something.
Definitions include: something lame.
Definitions include: a drink as a reward after a heavy workout or some other arduous task.
Definitions include: "you".
Definitions include: a mobile home.
Definitions include: In computer speak, to move information from fast-access memory to a slower storage device, e.g. disk ("swap out") or the other way around ("swap in.")

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