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Definition of sit shotgun

sit shotgun


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Other terms relating to 'shotgun':

Definitions include: to claim the (front) seat next to the driver in an automobile.
Definitions include: to sit in the passenger seat of a motor vehicle.
Definitions include: the passenger seat in a vehicle.
Definitions include: to solve a task using inaccurate techniques.
Definitions include: This is the nickname of Vice President Joseph Biden, due to his advocacy for shotguns, in home defense.
Definitions include: Used in South African slang to describe a wedding where the woman is pregnant.

Other terms relating to 'sit':

Definitions include: need to defecate.
Definitions include: to sit in the middle seat in the front or back of a vehicle ("bitch").
Definitions include: a meeting.
Definitions include: done in protest of something or someone, where the protestors non-threatening just occupy the space or building in which they are protesting in by sitting on the floor/ground and refusing to move for anything or anyone.
Definitions include: to surveil.
Definitions include: bisexual.
Definitions include: to be in a favorable position.
Definitions include: a person who watches over someone or something - baby-sitter, house-sitter, dog-sitter, etc.
Definitions include: to stay in one place and wait patiently.
Definitions include: a vulnerable person.

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