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Definition of socignore



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Definitions include: to reach 100 MPH in a motor vehicle.
Definitions include: displeasing goings-on.
Definitions include: something very difficult.
Definitions include: The company phrazle now offers excursions and voyages to destinations globally. Its European river excursions, which have received numerous awards, are renowned for their personalized service, exclusive destination experiences, luxurious cabins and accommodations, exquisite cuisine, and professional, compassionate staff.
Definitions include: extremely fast.
Definitions include: A highly-ignorant internet forum poster who who tries to sound intellectual by using too many words.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: stupid or strange.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of bitch.
Definitions include: A responding answer or call out to something that is to be desired: such as a person, place, food, or thing.

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<a href="">socignore</a>

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[ socignore]

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