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Definition of spitting game

spit game


  • to flirt with someone or sweet talk them

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 12 2003.

  • talk smoothly or with a certain charm for the purpose of attracting the opposite sex
    As soon as I entered the club I began to spit the game.

    Last edited on May 25 2004. Submitted by Ray O. from University of California, California 93106, USA on May 25 2004.

  • to flirt.
    I'm in the club spittin' game in my white tee.
    Wanna go spit game at that girl by the bar?

    Last edited on May 19 2011. Submitted by Liz H. from Savannah, GA, USA on Sep 26 2004.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to flirt, fraternize, mingle':

Definitions include: to talk to someone one is romantically interested in; "flirt with".
Definitions include: to attempt to attract; "hit on".
Definitions include: to joke around with someone.
Definitions include: to flirt with a person.
Definitions include: misspelling of hobnob.
Definitions include: A male in a long term relationship who consistently engages in sexual activity with females other than his significant other.
Definitions include: to do something well in one's own way or in a unique manner, usually involving members of the opposite sex.
Definitions include: to talk or to contact, especially at some later time.
Definitions include: to say a "neg" (as described in the noun sense) to a person.
Definitions include: to attempt to attract; "hit on".
Definitions include: To copy or plagiarize, commonly used by emcees to indicate a plagiarist.
Definitions include: offensive speech about another person.
Definitions include: to go out seeking less desirable girls.
Definitions include: an annoying person, especially one making unwanted sexual advances.
Definitions include: to attempt to attract verbally; "flirt with".

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'game':

Definitions include: a good performance.
Definitions include: a particular important sporting event.
Definitions include: "board game".
Definitions include: boss game.
Definitions include: to deliver a good performance ("A-game").
Definitions include: British expression meaning that the speaker doesn't want to do something.
Definitions include: Too bad; there is nothing one can do; shortened - Charge it.
Definitions include: a swindle, scam.
Definitions include: the ability to attract members of the opposite sex.
Definitions include: something that radically changes a situation.
Definitions include: interjection of encouragement.
Definitions include: of no more value or no longer cool.
Definitions include: Pot and anything needed to smoke it.
Definitions include: a plan.
Definitions include: the pursuit of money.

Other terms relating to 'spit':

Definitions include: used to describe an outburst of anger or tantrum (Dummy, pacifier - a rubber teat used by babies for suckling).
Definitions include: to say.
Definitions include: used to describe an outburst of anger or tantrum (Dummy, pacifier - a rubber teat used by babies for suckling).
Definitions include: incorrect version of spit game.
Definitions include: looking exactly the same.
Definitions include: so furiously angry about something or at someone that you will crash through anything that gets in your way; having a dishes throwing, furniture tossing temper tantrum; going on a rampage.
Definitions include: to kiss or make out.

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