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Definition of splash screens

splash screen


  • a window that appears when a computer program is started, but before its main interface is displayed.
    This tool has this annoying splash screen that you have to stare at for 10 seconds before you can actually use it.

    Last edited on Nov 11 2011. Submitted by WalterGR (via TheJargonFile) on Aug 14 2009.

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Other terms relating to 'computer slang':

Definitions include: with heavy usage.
Definitions include: acronym for "alternate universe".
Definitions include: acronym for "end of message".
Definitions include: shortened version of "okay, thanks, bye."
Definitions include: to add something to the beginning; "prefix".
Definitions include: acronym for "I am a lawyer".
Definitions include: "hacker".
Definitions include: to look up someone on the internet.
Definitions include: acronym for "Jesus Fucking Christ".
Definitions include: a "rule" of the internet stating that for any conceivable thing or situation, pornography has been created that depicts it.
Definitions include: an Internet "Law" (i.e. observation that often holds true) formulated by Mike Godwin.
Definitions include: superfluous source code that has yet to be removed.
Definitions include: pejorative name for Microsoft Windows.
Definitions include: under the influence of drugs, often LSD ("acid").
Definitions include: used at the end of text-based communication to indicate that the content was sarcastic.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'screen':

Definitions include: of computers, to completely crash.
Definitions include: acronym for "blue screen of death."
Definitions include: to browse the internet for many hours while accomplishing little of value.
Definitions include: "screen name".

Other terms relating to 'splash':

Definitions include: to attract attention.
Definitions include: to ejaculate.
Definitions include: To urinate (male)
Definitions include: to spend money.

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Average of 5 votes: 18%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">splash screens</a>

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[ splash screens]

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