Definition of spluged
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'to ejaculate ':
Definitions include: to ejaculate on a person's body.
Definitions include: generally displeasing.
Definitions include: semen.
Definitions include: a genre of pornography that features ejaculation inside the man's sexual partner.
Definitions include: semen.
Definitions include: for men, the point during sex or masturbation after which ejaculation is inevitable.
Definitions include: to ejaculate.
Definitions include: stuff.
Definitions include: acronym for "cash rules everything around me".
Definitions include: soda; soft drink.
Definitions include: to ejaculate.
Definitions include: a male orgasm during which no semen is ejaculated.
Definitions include: Verb. To ejaculate.
Definitions include: acronym for "cum in mouth".
Definitions include: to ejaculate.
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
Definitions include: give it all you had at a particular activity.
Definitions include: Girl having dimple Example:that lubz got a sweet smile
Definitions include: to annoy.
Definitions include: formlessness or confusion or unreality or emptiness or astonishingly empty, especially masculine and used within Jewish and Christian contexts.
Definitions include: Ecstasy (MDMA).
Definitions include: "anonymous."
Definitions include: to have fun, act crazy with a group of friends. Note: also pronounced as "wilin'".
Definitions include: what's up.
Definitions include: a great deal of money.
Definitions include: "jackass "; "sucker ".
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62% (See the most vulgar words .)
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