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Definition of stabby

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'angry, annoyed, offended':

Definitions include: stolen.
Definitions include: very angry.
Definitions include: to make a person agitated or angry.
Definitions include: Used in the expression, "What, am I wood?" which means "Don't ignore me"; "Don't act like I have no feelings"; etc.
Definitions include: extremely fun; exciting; wild.
Definitions include: to become enraged.
Definitions include: verbally ill-tempered.
Definitions include: annoyed or angry.
Definitions include: angry.
Definitions include: to become upset.
Definitions include: angry.
Definitions include: angry or annoyed.
Definitions include: anger experienced while driving, due to other drivers.
Definitions include: extremely angry; "very fed up".
Definitions include: slightly angry.

Other terms relating to 'to stab':

Definitions include: to break or ruin.
Definitions include: a five pound note.
Definitions include: to kill via stabbing.
Definitions include: a person who lives in a rural area.
Definitions include: a hand-made weapon used for stabbing.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to be fired.
Definitions include: A small or insignificant person or being.
Definitions include: "bridge and tunnel" crowd.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: being in charge of or the most important or looked to member of a crew the respected one a title of respect
Definitions include: buttocks.
Definitions include: a chicken head.
Definitions include: acronym for "as far as I can see".
Definitions include: metaphorically, a person with "thick skin" is able to handle criticism.
Definitions include: to vomit ("boot") due to over-consumption of alcohol, and then continue partying ("rally.")

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 16 votes: 19%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">stabby</a>

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[ stabby]

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