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Definition of sucks canal water

suck canal water


  • In a bad way. Just made a real stupid move.
    Wow, that dude's really SUCKIN CANAL WATER now!

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by John E. from Louisville, KY, USA on May 23 1998.

  • To be in a bad way, meaning poor. Circling the drain.

    Example: The winters were not great, and everyone on the beach in the service industry SUCKED CANAL WATER until Spring Break rolled in around March.

    Last edited on Mar 07 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 07 2012.

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Other terms relating to 'suck':

Definitions include: something displeasing.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: having great oral sex skills.
Definitions include: a cum guzzling cock sucker.
Definitions include: mouth.
Definitions include: acronym for "dick sucking lips."
Definitions include: an obsequious person.
Definitions include: a dismissive comment or retort.
Definitions include: to browse the internet for many hours while accomplishing little of value.
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: very bad.
Definitions include: A low life degenerate. A swamp dwelling inbred pedophile.

Other terms relating to 'water':

Definitions include: family relations are more important than other relationships.
Definitions include: no matter what.
Definitions include: flavorless
Definitions include: perfume, cologne
Definitions include: alcohol.
Definitions include: to be inadequate.
Definitions include: coffee.
Definitions include: to keep up with one's responsibilities.
Definitions include: always very calm and never gets mad.
Definitions include: A soda, a soft drink, as opposed to hard liquor.
Definitions include: a puddle of urine in an inappropriate place
Definitions include: a tall person.
Definitions include: semen.
Definitions include: to make something more mild.
Definitions include: to feel sad, hurt, low.

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