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Definition of tail gunners

tail gunner


  • a man who engages in anal sex with other men. Derived from the machine gun operators who plied their trade in the back of a bomber or transport air plane.

    Last edited on Nov 17 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 17 2013.

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Other terms relating to 'gunner':

Definitions include: an overachiever student who is competitive, and generally wants attention, usually referred to medical/law students. Compare with keener, and throat.

Other terms relating to 'tail':

Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: to be able to perform fellatio well.
Definitions include: to be unsuccessful.
Definitions include: to look for tail (women).
Definitions include: to imitate competitors.
Definitions include: to need to defecate badly.
Definitions include: to figure out.
Definitions include: vulgar term for a woman.
Definitions include: attractive females.
Definitions include: tail from the crypt
Definitions include: fairly common misspelling of tattle tale.
Definitions include: the visible top of a thong when being worn underneath clothing.

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