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Definition of taking a person down

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to attack, to fight':

Definitions include: to physically beat.
Definitions include: to fight. Also take this outside.
Definitions include: to injure or destroy.
Definitions include: to beat with physical violence.
Definitions include: an invitation for a competition, such as a fight, game, etc.
Definitions include: to beat severely.
Definitions include: to be great, exciting, or fun.
Definitions include: to fight.
Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: to cause a crowd to disperse; BREAK UP.
Definitions include: to beat a person.
Definitions include: to hit, attack.
Definitions include: a beating.
Definitions include: to receive a beating.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool"; "awesome".

Other terms relating to 'to win, defeat':

Definitions include: defeated.
Definitions include: Milwaukee's Best brand beer.
Definitions include: to be victorious; defeat.
Definitions include: Used frequently in online gaming.
Definitions include: to defeat.
Definitions include: to abuse or damage, usu. to the point of uselessness or maximum damage.
Definitions include: a slap of the manner described in the verb form.
Definitions include: to severely beat up or injure.
Definitions include: acronym for "cash rules everything around me".
Definitions include: to physically beat.
Definitions include: see bitch.
Definitions include: to strongly defeat during a competitive activity. Etymology: someone that was "schooled" has been "taken to school."
Definitions include: a declaration of victory or superiority.
Definitions include: an emphatic and comprehensive win.
Definitions include: Alternate spelling of own.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'down':

Definitions include: to prepare for hardship.
Definitions include: a fight or severe beating.
Definitions include: It means having to beat someone up.
Definitions include: to back down from a situation.
Definitions include: to vomit into a toilet.
Definitions include: also "bow down to the white porcelain god."
Definitions include: to sadden one.
Definitions include: to greatly impress a crowd.
Definitions include: unattractive.
Definitions include: a person who has oral sex and intercourse with multiple people.
Definitions include: to knuckle down; to submit to; to melt down; to be unable to take the heat; to give in.
Definitions include: overly formal, conservative.
Definitions include: to eat.
Definitions include: to give someone oral sex.
Definitions include: to stop being angry.

Other terms relating to 'take':

Definitions include: "Chill, don't worry about it."
Definitions include: a second look.
Definitions include: compromise.
Definitions include: "Both people involved in a bad situation are to be blamed."
Definitions include: to beat severely, or defeat severely.
Definitions include: taking bribes.
Definitions include: the result of someone taking the piss.
Definitions include: to rob or extort.
Definitions include: to have to go take a shit.
Definitions include: to mistreat.
Definitions include: to get something to eat.
Definitions include: to take a look.
Definitions include: taking a chance on something.
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: he needs to relax.

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<a href="">taking a person down</a>

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[ taking a person down]

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