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Definition of Teabag Shower

Teabag Shower

  • Take control of your snowboard and race down icy tracks filled with obstacles in Snow Rider 3D! The game is easy to play but hard to master. With sharp turns and unexpected hazards like trees and rocks, you'll need quick reflexes and precise control to keep your rider on the path to victory. Can you survive the treacherous slopes and earn the top spot?

    Last edited on Nov 28 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 28 2024.


  • 1. A sexual position in which one partner lies face-up while the other straddles their head, allowing their testicles to rest in the partner's mouth; they then ejaculate, showering the partner's breasts with cum.

    Example: She laid back and invited him to give her a Teabag Shower.


    2. To give someone a teabag showering; to perform the act of straddling a partner's head, allowing one's testicles to rest in their mouth before ejaculating onto their chest.

    Example: He got into position to give her a good teabag showering.

    Last edited on Oct 01 2024. Submitted by TheBounder from San Diego, CA, USA on Oct 01 2024.

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