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Definition of thairs



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Definitions include: Suspicious or unreliable, not to be trusted.
Definitions include: to watch.
Definitions include: to pull down someone's trousers and reveal either their underpants or bare arse.
Definitions include: against, septagraphive form
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: an erect nipple visible beneath clothing.
Definitions include: a person's face.
Definitions include: used to express surprise, disbelief etc.
Definitions include: A situation in any environment with a policy of a positive outlook that trumps reasonable negative reactions, in which egregious or borderline egregious efforts and outcomes are spun as valuable learning experiences. This term mocks the absurdity of overly cautious corporate policies that necessitate positive framing of obviously poor performance or behavior, often resulting in a feedback loop where such behavior continues without real consequence.
Definitions include: Blowing one's nose by holding the other nostril with a finger.

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