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Definition of thiy



  • subject masculine singular form of this

    Etymology: "this guy" It's like saying "This he", and its the subject of the sentence. Pronounced like (thie).

    Example: There were three guys I was with: Guy A, Guy B, Guy C. Guy A bought me a soda and Guy B bought me a coke, thiy was so kind to me.

    "thiy" is referring to Guy B, because Guy B is more immediate within the contexts of the sentence. But if the word "he" was used then there would be ambiguity and we would not know if one is talking about Guy A or Guy B.

    This is the most useful when talking about people who are present with you.

    If Guy A and Guy B are in proximity while one is saying this, then instead of relying on the context of the sentence, one would rely on the context of their physical surroundings. If Guy A is closer to you than Guy B, than one would actually be referring to Guy A rather than Guy B.

    Last edited on Jun 28 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28 2024.

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