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Definition of to cruise someone

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'driving and driving maneuvers':

Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: to make a U-turn.
Definitions include: a circular shape on the ground made from the tires of a vehicle spinning in place.
Definitions include: good; excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: to leave, usually in a vehicle.
Definitions include: to urinate.
Definitions include: to drive off-road, typically in a four-wheel drive vehicle.
Definitions include: to perform a U-turn.
Definitions include: to change lanes rapidly while driving in an attempt to get ahead of the traffic.
Definitions include: left-hand turn.
Definitions include: to relax, usually with other friends; "chill".
Definitions include: displeasing; of poor quality; bad.
Definitions include: to make a U turn.
Definitions include: to reach 100 MPH in a motor vehicle.
Definitions include: to perform a U-turn in a vehicle.

Other terms relating to 'flirting, hit on, pimp, player, wing-man':

Definitions include: to show interest in a member of the opposite sex by flirting or trying to be noticed.
Definitions include: to kiss passionately; "make out".
Definitions include: to attempt to elicit romance or sex; "hit on".
Definitions include: a person who is good at arousing sexual interest in another person.
Definitions include: an annoying person, especially one making unwanted sexual advances.
Definitions include: a person who dates more than one person at a time, usually just for sex or other perks.
Definitions include: a man who is successful with women.
Definitions include: to say a "neg" (as described in the noun sense) to a person.
Definitions include: A male in a long term relationship who consistently engages in sexual activity with females other than his significant other.
Definitions include: the ability to attract members of the opposite sex.
Definitions include: misspelling of hobnob.
Definitions include: to flirt with a person.
Definitions include: a man who dates / sleeps with lots of women
Definitions include: to take LSD.
Definitions include: to talk or to contact, especially at some later time.

Other terms relating to 'to accomplish, work hard':

Definitions include: to devote significant effort towards.
Definitions include: to be so intoxicated from illegal stimulants that one loses complete control over one's body.
Definitions include: to work extremely hard.
Definitions include: to yell at someone; "blow up".
Definitions include: to persist during a difficult time or while completing a difficult task.
Definitions include: the metaphorical substance that workaholics are addicted to.
Definitions include: to increase one's stature in life.
Definitions include: to work hard.
Definitions include: to expend significant effort waiting on (helping, being an assistant to) a person.
Definitions include: to work hard.
Definitions include: the busy, hectic modern urban lifestyle.
Definitions include: to do a lot of work or spend a lot of money for something or someone.
Definitions include: to flatulate; "fart".
Definitions include: to work hard.
Definitions include: a metaphorical position which implies hard work.

Other terms relating to 'to give':

Definitions include: to give to; hand over.
Definitions include: to decline in one's talent or skill.
Definitions include: to begin taking effect.
Definitions include: to yell at someone; "blow up".
Definitions include: to say or give.
Definitions include: to give beer to.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of gimme.
Definitions include: to give.
Definitions include: an event with a displeasing outcome.
Definitions include: a person who provides illegal drugs.
Definitions include: to fight.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to take drugs, usually LSD ("acid") or Ecstasy (MDMA).
Definitions include: a contraction for "give me".

Other terms relating to 'to go, leave, exit':

Definitions include: to leave quickly.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: To leave, to bust out, to bounce.
Definitions include: to leave or exit.
Definitions include: to arrive.
Definitions include: the more outgoing person in a pair.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave; "roll out".
Definitions include: To leave somewhere, preferably quickly.
Definitions include: to leave quickly.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to leave quickly; "haul ass".
Definitions include: to go to the location of one of the speakers.

Other terms relating to 'to look, see':

Definitions include: generally displeasing.
Definitions include: to watch.
Definitions include: a look.
Definitions include: a person.
Definitions include: to body check as in sports (hockey, American football, rugby, etc.)
Definitions include: A visual examination, especially of a person of the opposite sex.
Definitions include: to see.
Definitions include: ok, or yes.
Definitions include: to look at.
Definitions include: to stare at.
Definitions include: to listen to.
Definitions include: "look".
Definitions include: to look at.
Definitions include: to examine closely.
Definitions include: to see, look at.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'cruise':

Definitions include: a cruise on a boat that primarily involves alcohol consumption.
Definitions include: a vehicle upon which or in which alcoholic beverages are consumed.
Definitions include: to cruise (drive) around.
Definitions include: the person is going to be in trouble.
Definitions include: To smoke weed while out for a drive.
Definitions include: an automobile of the type stereotypically found in "ghetto" areas.
Definitions include: a pair of sandals.
Definitions include: when a person starts being overly open about their love towards another, like screaming it out in public or talking about it non-stop.

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[ to cruise someone]

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