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Definition of Todaymorrow



  • The time that refers to both today and tomorrow when it is unclear which term you should use. Typically used between the times of late night and early morning.


    Kai: It was so fun hanging out with you! I'll see you todaymorrow :)

    Sara: Goodnight and sweet dreams <3

    Last edited on Nov 24 2021. Submitted by Kaize from Vancouver, WA, USA on Nov 24 2021.

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Definitions include: The phrase "get on down with that bullshit" is a phrase coined by a Dirty South rapper from the backwoods of Missisdippi named Christopher Orlando Berry AKA "Chris Loc," member of a group what once was called "Children of the Cornbread, with other members including Mellow T, Dollar Bill (R.I.P.), and Dread among others. The term came about to refer to beautiful but trfling whorish women who only cling to men who they thought were going to be rich and famous-a man they can use to acquire wealth. Later on, almost everyone in the south adopted the term to refer to anyone who they have a distaste for or a person who they felt like was being shisty in their dealings with them. The phrase simply means that the shisty person who is bothering them needs to get away from them and stay away until they can be honest and trustworthy. Today the phrase is widespread and use of the phrase has surpassed the South. Children of the Cornbread has a song called "Get on Down" but it is not relating to the meaning of this phrase. Example of how to use this term in the streets: "Man this bitch needs to get on down with that bullshit!" #thots
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