Definition of tooney
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'money': |
Definitions include: skins/skinheads. |
Definitions include: admission paid to get into a bar, dance club, etc. |
Definitions include: a five dollar bill. |
Definitions include: money used to start a business. |
Definitions include: a large amount of money. |
Definitions include: Australian slang term for a shilling (12 pennies). |
Definitions include: a person who has not had their first kiss or has never French kissed. |
Definitions include: a roll of money. |
Definitions include: anything that attracts the opposite sex. |
Definitions include: money, dollars. |
Definitions include: a twenty-five cent coin. |
Definitions include: a dollar. |
Definitions include: "cheque". |
Definitions include: a quarter. |
Definitions include: having three children in rapid succession (generally following the marriage of a young couple). |
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
| Definitions include: to be high by marijuana; derived from the way your eyes squint when you're high. |
| Definitions include: a person who has engaged in some particular activity or who has been in some particular organization for a long period of time. |
| Definitions include: hands. |
| Definitions include: a person with an insatiable appetite. |
| Definitions include: one's wife. |
| Definitions include: buttocks. |
| Definitions include: a calm, cool, and collected person especially in times of turmoil or trial. |
| Definitions include: emphatic way of saying whack. |
| Definitions include: to work on something with a half baked idea or plan on the table. |
| Definitions include: acronym for "don't feed the troll". |
I use it | (8) |
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Heard it but never used it | (1) |
Have never heard it | (10) |
Average of 11 votes:
18% (See the most vulgar words.)
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the word is – not how mean it is.)
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[ tooney]
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