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Definition of tooney



  • $2 Canadian coin. Also spelled "toony", "toonie".
    • See more words with the same meaning: money.

    Last edited on May 17 2011. Submitted by Glen G. on Aug 26 2003.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'money':

Definitions include: skins/skinheads.
Definitions include: admission paid to get into a bar, dance club, etc.
Definitions include: a five dollar bill.
Definitions include: money used to start a business.
Definitions include: a large amount of money.
Definitions include: Australian slang term for a shilling (12 pennies).
Definitions include: a person who has not had their first kiss or has never French kissed.
Definitions include: a roll of money.
Definitions include: anything that attracts the opposite sex.
Definitions include: money, dollars.
Definitions include: a twenty-five cent coin.
Definitions include: a dollar.
Definitions include: "cheque".
Definitions include: a quarter.
Definitions include: having three children in rapid succession (generally following the marriage of a young couple).

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: acronym for "totally fucked" using the NATO phonetic alphabet.
Definitions include: See also fix to.
Definitions include: fucked up; stoned.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: completely naked.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person.
Definitions include: Vicky is fucking smart.
Definitions include: to readjust what is considered good, normal, appropriate, or many other adjectives (depending on context.)
Definitions include: a quicker way to say "hand sanitizer"
Definitions include: under the influence of alcohol.

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Average of 11 votes: 18%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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