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Definition of townie



  • a chav. Origin: England.
    Townies generally stand out because they make themselves stand out.

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by Abi from Oxfordshire, UK on Dec 28 2003.

  • a person who lives in a college town but doesn't attend that college.
    Did you hear she's dating some townie?

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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Definitions include: an insufficient (and often dismissive) explanation of something complex.
Definitions include: acronym for "non-educated delinquent".
Definitions include: A tsunami that is so large that the vadostrate has been made dry due to the volume of the wave of said tsunami, especially one which seperates a vade.
Definitions include: acronym for "got to go".
Definitions include: a contractor who works for Microsoft.
Definitions include: without warning.
Definitions include: a person who behaves in an offensive, pompous manner; "jerk".
Definitions include: to move quickly.
Definitions include: the narcotic drug oxycodone.
Definitions include: to understand.

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