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Definition of ulb



  • The color orange, exclusively the color

    Etymology: backwards of blue

    Last edited on Jun 25 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 25 2024.

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Definitions include: term used for a bad smell.
Definitions include: the act of hyper extending another's or one's knee in a disgusting or morbid manner.
Definitions include: one or more firearms.
Definitions include: this.
Definitions include: (18+) This black dude riding a blue dildo while the song "Ridin' Solo" by Jason Derulo is played in the background. The video is also sped up and this video has been used to troll streamers and people also get trolled by switch and bait video using this clip. Used in a sentence: I just troll a streamer with Riding Solo "Example of riding solo video which a streamer got trolled with (has nudity and also a 18+ video in it)"
Definitions include: depending on the inflection of the tone it can mean anything from wow to sexy, hot, intense.
Definitions include: a disreputable female.
Definitions include: to end a relationship with someone suddenly.
Definitions include: peeping tom.
Definitions include: "I will not reveal the secret."

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