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Definition of vet




  • to review for correctness.
    I asked him to vet that policy statement.
    He vetted the review and sent it to the contact.

    Last edited on Apr 08 2016. Submitted by Rick J. from Palo Alto, CA, USA on Oct 13 2004.

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Other terms relating to 'abbreviations (list of)':

Definitions include: abbreviated form of "dunno" or "I dunno", which themselves are abbreviated forms of "I don't know".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "babe".
Definitions include: "tuxedo".
Definitions include: "crystal clear", i.e. easy to understand.
Definitions include: "polygamist".
Definitions include: constantly.
Definitions include: "favorite."
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "later", i.e. "goodbye".
Definitions include: shortened form of anal retentive.
Definitions include: acronym for "original poster" - i.e. the person to submit (post) something to a website that permits discussion about submitted things.
Definitions include: goodbye.
Definitions include: "vegetable".
Definitions include: clitoris.
Definitions include: Short and sassy for "whatever."
Definitions include: said upon fooling someone.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to leave, to do something.
Definitions include: to be close to death.
Definitions include: alternative spelling of "god".
Definitions include: a beard or mustache, but usually a mustache.
Definitions include: to move or to go.
Definitions include: the psychedelic drug LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide).
Definitions include: variant of bro.
Definitions include: A woman who flaunts her breasts and ass, flirts with all the men, and belittles all the other women.
Definitions include: the build-up of various bodily fluids, lint, etc. beneath ("from under") the testicles.
Definitions include: cringeworthy.

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