Definition of widger
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Other terms relating to 'British, UK slang (list of)': |
Definitions include: nickname for an anaesthetist, used by doctors in the UK. |
Definitions include: "Bollocks" is also the present tense and plural form of bollock. |
Definitions include: prison or jail. |
Definitions include: external female genitalia. |
Definitions include: buttocks. |
Definitions include: an AK-47 assault rifle. |
Definitions include: Origin British, slang for money. |
Definitions include: sassy, beyond sassy... incredibly choleric. |
Definitions include: to lie. |
Definitions include: oral sex given to a male. |
Definitions include: going well; going smoothly. |
Definitions include: Corruption of "bahine ka chut" which means "sister's cunt" in Hindi. |
Definitions include: acronym for "Guardian Reader Of Low Intelligence in Ethnic Skirt", an insult used by doctors in the UK on medical charts. |
Definitions include: the clothes a person is wearing; "outfit". |
Definitions include: term used to show that one agrees. |
Slang terms with the same root words
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| Definitions include: Someone who lacks cleanliness, good manners, and employment. |
| Definitions include: See girly-girl. |
| Definitions include: To support an actabity, to provide the money needed to pay for it |
| Definitions include: "thank you". |
| Definitions include: neutral. |
| Definitions include: Used by hippies as a form of welcome when someone arrives at a Rainbow Gathering. |
| Definitions include: a person who simply lays there during sex, without responding. |
| Definitions include: acronym for "I don't know". |
| Definitions include: pussy, wimp-like. Origin - Vagina. |
| Definitions include: Making out |
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Have never heard it | (18) |
Average of 10 votes:
31% (See the most vulgar words.)
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