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Definition of woofy



  • stuffy, dank
    Open a window; it's woofy in here.

    Last edited on Oct 12 2004. Submitted by Lafe W. from Whitewater, Colorado 81527, USA on Oct 12 2004.

  • malodorous
    I was going to buy that sofa, but it's pretty woofy.

    Last edited on Oct 12 2004. Submitted by Lafe W. from Whitewater, Colorado 81527, USA on Oct 12 2004.

  • Used to describe a slightly warped length of wood, i.e. floor board or joist as in "That board is a bit woofy" or "That board has woof in it"

    Oral tradition from, at least, Central West NSW, Australia.

    Last edited on May 25 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on May 25 2014.

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Definitions include: to have sex.
Definitions include: A nick name or a pet name commonly used for a loved one.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: to get in someone's face to show that you are not scared of another person.
Definitions include: An expression used when someone or something does or day something ridiculous. Compare to WOW, OH MY, and OMG. Example: She spent $20.00 on fake eyelashes and they fell apart the same day, [Wowzers!]
Definitions include: acronym for "dumb-ass nigga".
Definitions include: homosexual man
Definitions include: shortened form of the word "tournament".
Definitions include: Smells like teen Smear it
Definitions include: and God called the light Day

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