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Definition of youse


  • Used as a plural of you

    I love thee all or how are you doin',or all you fellas can go now- I love youse all,or'ow are youse goin',or youse blokes can shoot throught now'

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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Definitions include: Used to describe a heavy or particularly nasty bowel movement, indicating that streaks have been left on the interior of the toilet bowl after flushing.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of queef.
Definitions include: Originating from the original 1978 TV series Battlestar Galactica, a euphemism for crap or bullshit.
Definitions include: busted-ass means that the thing you're talking about is fucked up, nasty looking or just plain wrong.
Definitions include: crappy or scary car (piece of shit car).
Definitions include: mature.
Definitions include: something worthless or of low quality.
Definitions include: expresses displeasure towards another individual.
Definitions include: acronym of "eat a dick."
Definitions include: marijuana.

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