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Browsing page 1 of new words for May 23, 2004




  • an idiot, moron, etc.
    You stupid fuck-ass, you broke my shit.

    Last edited on Sep 04 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on May 23 2004.

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  • clothes
    I got ma self some new garms yesterday.

    Last edited on May 23 2004. Submitted by Edward w. from Leicester, UK on May 23 2004.

noun - plural

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  • promiscuous female.
    She's a smut.

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on May 23 2004.

  • a really trashy, slutty girl. worse than a whore or skank.

    Last edited on Jan 06 2009. Submitted by Crystal K. from Stafford, Virginia, USA on Jan 06 2009.

noun - uncountable

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