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Definition of dipshit

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'unintelligent person, idiot':

Definitions include: an unintelligent person, a jerk (mean person,) or a penis.
Definitions include: a very unintelligent person; "moron"; "imbecile".
Definitions include: an idiotic or foolish person.
Definitions include: a stupid person.
Definitions include: idiot, moron.
Definitions include: a person who acts like they are addicted to crack cocaine.
Definitions include: good friend; "buddy".
Definitions include: derogatory term; "moron".
Definitions include: to flatulate; "pass gas".
Definitions include: a goofy, silly, or slightly strange person.
Definitions include: an unintelligent person.
Definitions include: an inexperienced person; "green person".
Definitions include: a breast.
Definitions include: anything displeasing.
Definitions include: a general insult.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: the ninth patriarch of a genealogical line (enneapatriarch)
Definitions include: to take advantage of a wealthy provider.
Definitions include: a woman.
Definitions include: someone who is stupid.
Definitions include: a made up sexual maneuver in which a person places saran wrap on their face, and another person defecates on the saran wrap.
Definitions include: Compound word, formed when saying "that's nice."
Definitions include: acronym of "fuck I'm good just ask me".
Definitions include: alternate spelling of champers.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: The process of Emotionally-motivated buying up of a 70% cliff drop 'Dip' on a meme stock with funds secured by student loans and/or 11% interest-on-the-principle- per month credit loans after having sold one's car and Mother's wedding ring to buy in initially at a grossly artificially inflated ATH to which said stock will never return to the end of affronting Hedge funds which will inevitably cover their losses regardless and who are insulated from real market forces by the very bureaucracies and Politicians one believes will save the day.

How common is this slang?

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Heard it but never used it(22)  
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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 69 votes: 49%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">dipshit</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ dipshit]

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