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Definition of 20 16 30

20 16 30


  • A man who shuts his eyes to devise froward things and who moves his lips to bring evil to pass

    Last edited on Oct 11 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11 2024.

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Definitions include: use coffee
Definitions include: popular in spanish-speaking communities of the US
Definitions include: to give false hopes to, especially in a romantic or business sense.
Definitions include: a disorderly, chaotic combination of things.
Definitions include: secretive.
Definitions include: Stupid 2. Meaningless 3. Useless 4. Ridiculous.
Definitions include: A party that is so boring/corny that it's only worthwhile for the snacks; a party where one hangs out by the snack table instead of socializing.
Definitions include: An abortion abolitionist who doesn't want to have both the doctor and the mother of the killed preborn face criminal punishment because of the killing of the preborn.
Definitions include: to nearly avoid a bad event.
Definitions include: out of alignment; "crooked".

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