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Definition of 20 16 30a

20 16 30a


  • A man who shuts his eyes to devise froward things

    Last edited on Oct 11 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11 2024.

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Definitions include: A towel taken to bed (for obvious reasons) by a couple who are about to make love.
Definitions include: Every possible item, the greatest imaginable variety.
Definitions include: phone.
Definitions include: a place in poor condition.
Definitions include: A word that is semi-safe for use at work, that can be put every-frakunda-where and still make frakunda sense. Frakundas. The word is used by workers in place of common curse words that may actually get them in trouble if heard saying them at work. The word was rumored to have origins in either African, African American or Norwegian communities, but in reality actually began in an open-pit phosphate mine in rural North Carolina in the USA, where thanks to international travel, began spreading like a virus across the country and the world.
Definitions include: exciting, fun, happy, etc.
Definitions include: a permanent marker.
Definitions include: A long penis Girl come here so I can put this spine tickler up in you.
Definitions include: A Shitty Democrat
Definitions include: roughly equivalent to "serious."

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