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Definition of a 2nd base

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Other terms relating to 'sex activities, practices, moves':

Definitions include: to sexually stimulate a person's penis with one's hands.
Definitions include: acronym for "ass-to-mouth", i.e. a sex act in which anal sex is immediately followed by fellatio or cunnilingus.
Definitions include: the urination onto a person for sexual pleasure.
Definitions include: one of many "sex moves" that involve physical abuse of women.
Definitions include: to stimulate with the tongue.
Definitions include: a sexual practice where a person performs fellatio on a male until the male ejaculates, then spits the semen into the male's mouth.
Definitions include: to hit with a thrown object.
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: to place one's scrotum in another person's mouth as a sexual practice.
Definitions include: to perform cunnilingus.
Definitions include: to perform fellatio.
Definitions include: a handjob.
Definitions include: one of many made up "sex moves" that involve physical abuse of women.
Definitions include: acronym for "cum in mouth".
Definitions include: Spelling variant of blumpkin, likely due to people mishearing the term.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to '2nd':

Definitions include: to put one's hands up a person's shirt, with hand-on-skin contact, e.g. the fondling of breasts.

Other terms relating to 'base':

Definitions include: see get to 1st base.
Definitions include: see get to 3rd base.
Definitions include: a declaration of victory or superiority.
Definitions include: perverted, horny, animalistic.
Definitions include: in the "sex as baseball" metaphor: anal sex.
Definitions include: see get to 1st base.
Definitions include: to kiss, make out.
Definitions include: to put one's hands up a person's shirt, with hand-on-skin contact, e.g. the fondling of breasts.
Definitions include: to stimulate the genitals with one's hand.
Definitions include: based on faulty information or suspicions.
Definitions include: see get to 2nd base.
Definitions include: see get to 3rd base.

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<a href="">a 2nd base</a>

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[ a 2nd base]

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