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Definition of a 4/20

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to smoke marijuana':

Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to smoke pot.
Definitions include: To smoke marijuana
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: a widely used "official" time to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: a large drag of marijuana that induces an uncontrollable coughing fit.
Definitions include: Spoonerism for "smoke pot".
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: a person who can make a marijuana smoking device out of whatever objects happen to be nearby.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana with a bat, which is a small cylinder pipe.
Definitions include: of a marijuana smoking device, to inhale, inhale again, and then pass it on to the next smoker.
Definitions include: a session of getting baked (i.e. high from marijuana.)
Definitions include: to smoke; most commonly used to indicate the use of marijuana.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to '20':

Definitions include: "What is your 20?" i.e. "What is your current location?"
Definitions include: knowledge of the location of a person or thing.
Definitions include: a widely used "official" time to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: to celebrate the marijuana smoker holiday of 4/20.

Other terms relating to 'four':

Definitions include: "message understood."
Definitions include: a widely used "official" time to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: a car with 4 cylinders.
Definitions include: Slang for describing any 45. Caliber gun or pistol that weighs 4.5 pounds. Compare to: 4FIVE, 4Fo, BlueSteel and 4some. Example: The only time I ever had to grab my [4Pound] is when I had to put a dumb ass clown in the ground.
Definitions include: Slang for the phrase "Doing This For Sprite" Compare to: Numbers used to replace words like to, too, for, four, ate, date, straight, hate, faith , startin'and somethin'. Example: From Me 2 U..
Definitions include: to celebrate the marijuana smoker holiday of 4/20.
Definitions include: to be proceeding well or rapidly.
Definitions include: .44 caliber pistol. one of many favorite weapons mentioned in rap songs.
Definitions include: marketing material.
Definitions include: the main intersection of a small town, often the only main intersection
Definitions include: a person who wears eyeglasses.
Definitions include: a swear word.
Definitions include: the emergency lights on a car - there are four of them
Definitions include: To be recalcitrant, stubborn, unruly, resistant, not a team player, unsportsmanlike.
Definitions include: wheel rims that are 24 inches in diameter.

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Average of 33 votes: 29%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a 4/20</a>

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[ a 4/20]

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