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Definition of a bag of tricks

bag of tricks


  • a person who is a source of constant surprise. As if they constantly pull new tricks out of their (imaginary) bag.
    She is a bag of tricks.
    She scored the drugs prostituting. She got her bag of tricks tricking.

    Last edited on Jul 30 2017. Submitted by Joshua S. from Newport, KY 41071, USA on Feb 01 2003.

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Other terms relating to 'a joker, comic, funny person':

Definitions include: a funny or silly person. Also goof-ball.
Definitions include: A juvenile who goes and does petty pranks and jokes in the neighborhood.
Definitions include: to leave in a hurry; not running, but quickly and quietly so as to not attract attention.
Definitions include: a comic; SMART ALEC. Origin: suburbs of New York City, NY, USA.
Definitions include: head or haircut.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'bag':

Definitions include: better than all that.
Definitions include: the best.
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: to lie to; deceive.
Definitions include: a female who is in a relationship only for illegal powdered drugs (e.g. cocaine,) which is often stored in a small bag.
Definitions include: when French fries are in a container that is in a bag, those French fries that fall out of the container and settle at the bottom of the bag.
Definitions include: a person who is so ugly that one would have to put a bag over their head (so as to hide their face) before considering having intercourse with them.
Definitions include: a female who does sexual favors as payment instead of cash to obtain drugs or get a bag/sack of her own.
Definitions include: a homeless woman.
Definitions include: noun, means a sack lunch.
Definitions include: an extremely skinny person.
Definitions include: a despicable person.
Definitions include: something displeasing.
Definitions include: to insult for fun; "make fun of".
Definitions include: woman's buttocks, especially saggy ones.

Other terms relating to 'of':

Definitions include: a worthless person.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: a good estimate.
Definitions include: a little crazy
Definitions include: of lower than average intelligence.
Definitions include: "not all there".
Definitions include: skittish.
Definitions include: an amount of violence.
Definitions include: having an opinion or belief prior to it becoming common or popular.
Definitions include: an impressive.
Definitions include: an impressive.
Definitions include: many.
Definitions include: an emphatic "yes".
Definitions include: better than all that.
Definitions include: the best.

Other terms relating to 'trick':

Definitions include: a swindle, scam.
Definitions include: a greeting.
Definitions include: Originally from the movie "Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope."
Definitions include: someone or something that has delivered only one success.
Definitions include: a person, generally a woman, who has an attractive body, but an ugly face.
Definitions include: to intentionally answer another person's question incorrectly.
Definitions include: a person being used in a relationship sense for money or what they can do for the user.
Definitions include: highly modified in a hellacious way, referring to automobiles.
Definitions include: a knee with problems such that it may suddenly give out.
Definitions include: a person who habitually pays for sexual favors.
Definitions include: to coerce someone into some form of romantic or flirtatious activity.
Definitions include: to customize.
Definitions include: a one night stand.
Definitions include: to prostitute one's self.

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